Patricia Pérez
Patricia Pérez, Candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize 2007.
In 1986 Patricia was diagnosed as a Person Living with HIV/AIDS. She has shown first in Argentina and then in the Lac Region a social commitment to AIDS-related issues, the protection of rights of people in prison and the fight against discrimination. She was the founder and first president of the Foundation for People under Arrest due to social reasons in Argentina from 1991 to 1999. In 1994 she created the Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations that fights against discrimination and now she is the vice-president. She used to be a member of the Bill Committee for the creation of the National Institute against Discrimination, Racism and Xenophobia. (INADI) She has taken part in the organization of the Chapter in Argentina of the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW) and was responsible for it from 1992 to 2003.
She is one of the 30 women that created ICW in the Conference held in Amsterdam in 1992. She is now a member of the ICW International Board of Trustees and is in charge of the LAC Regional Secretariat of ICW Latina. Today she is an active member of the ICW International Board of Trustees, being one of the five surviving founders of ICW in Amsterdam.