Miriam Zoila Pérez
Miriam Zoila Pérez is a queer Cuban-American writer covering issues of race, health and gender. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Colorlines, Fusion, Alternet, The American Prospect, MORE Magazine, Talking Points Memo and a number of anthologies, including the recent New York Times Bestseller edited by Roxane Gay, “Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture.” Her 2016 TED Talk, “How Racism is Harming Pregnant Women–and What Can Help,” has been viewed over 850,000 times. She was an editor at Feministing.com for four years, during which the site was awarded the Sidney J Hillman Prize for Blog Journalism. Pérez is the author of “The Radical Doula Guide: A Political Primer for Full-Spectrum Pregnancy and Childbirth Support.”