Melissa Busch
Melissa Busch currently lives in Portland,
Oregon, where she works as a volunteer, advocate, and a Board Member
of both Backline and Open Adoption & Family Services. Backline
is dedicated to addressing the broad range of experiences and emotions
surrounding pregnancy, parenting, adoption and abortion. We provide
a forum in which women and their loved ones can engage in discussion
that goes beyond political rhetoric. We are committed to addressing
the individual and diverse realities within our communities. Our vision
is of a society in which pregnancy options are discussed with openness,
honesty, and the deepest respect for reproductive justice (
Open Adoption & Family Services supports birthparents in making
decisions about parenthood in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
When the choice is adoption, Open Adoption & Family Services is
a private, non-profit, pro-choice agency that facilitates child-centered
open adoption, by assisting birthparents and adoptive parents as they
create healthy, long-term relationships that address the ongoing needs
of the child (