Lynda Waddington

New Journalist Fellow

Lynda Waddington is a New Journalist Fellow with the Center for Independent Media. She and her husband live in eastern Iowa with their three children, two cats and dog. She worked for a decade as a print journalist before beginning her own communications consulting business. When writing annual reports and building web sites failed to placate the printer's ink still pumping through her veins, she and two friends launched Essential Estrogen, a blog that focuses on women in politics with a special emphasis on Iowa women. As a New Journalist Fellow, Lynda is a regular contributor to Iowa Independent.

Oh No, Not Again

Oh, no! Not again.

It's been a month since the Iowa caucus and I was foolish enough to believe I was over the hump - that the curse had been broken. It should have been. Yet, this morning while waking up to the Good Morning America crew, it all came flooding back.

The camera panned the crowd at Times Square. I realized a moment too late that the sign warriors were out in force. Even knowing what was coming, my feet refused to move away from the screen.

Iowa Launches Family Planning Initiative

Former Iowa First Lady Christie Vilsack was shocked to learn that half of the state's pregnancies are unplanned. In response, she launched the Iowa Initiative to Reduce Unintended Pregnancies, a program focused on helping women between the ages of 18 and 30 receive family planning information.

2008 Campaign Shortchanging Women (And You)

For this to be the political year of the woman, candidates are going to have to become serious about courting women by speaking in detail about their core issues of concern. But as any good campaign strategist will tell you, details do not a good sound bite make.

The Iowa Caucus Is Tonight And…

It's the final countdown. Attacks on Mitt Romney are coming all the way from Massachusetts, twelve more antiwar protesters were arrested, some Iowans are still extremely fickle, and the rest of the nation has never gotten campaign promises like these!

One Day Before Caucus Night and…

Tomorrow is caucus day and Iowans are flashing back to 2004 when Dennis Kucinich threw his support behind Edwards just before caucus day helping to propel Edwards to a second place finish. This year, however, Kucinich is supporting Obama.