Jocelyn Foye
Jocelyn is an MFA-trained sculptor and spectacle-based artist hailing originally from CT and then over 13 years in Long Beach, CA. Political events in 2016 led her to co-found The Womxn Project, to use artivism to focus and magnify the need for the legislature to secure reproductive rights in RI State law. That success in 2019 led Jocelyn to a more full-time commitment of leading The Womxn Project as Executive Director, focusing on reproductive freedom work in RI and regionally.
Jocelyn’s own design firm has been around over 20 years and she’s led marketing and design at private companies, as well as exhibited her spectacle-based art internationally, and was a professor in graphic design and sculpture. You can find her spectacles both projected onto the halls of power in RI and at www.jocelynart.com.