Many Chicago activists are calling on Mayor Rahm Emanuel to resign after the long-delayed release of a video showing a police officer killing a Black teenager. Hillary Clinton has not joined the call.
A vandal shattered a window at a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Louis that does not provide abortion care. Police are investigating but have not released details on the incident.
Ohio House Democrats introduced a bill this week that would create a 15-foot buffer zone around abortion clinics and allow people to seek civil action against abortion protesters for harassment or intimidation.
Though the school district and the Department of Education reached a settlement, misunderstanding about the agreement led district officials to threaten to rescind it.
The agreement with the Department of Education upholds the school district's controversial policy to allow a transgender student to use the locker room that matches her gender identity, but only if she changes behind a curtain.
A U.S. district judge ruled Wednesday to allow Planned Parenthood to keep its license until the end of the month, giving the clinic more time to find a hospital that will grant its physician admitting privileges.
Timothy Lee Haste, who pleaded guilty to criminal mischief after twice breaking the windows at EMW Women's Surgical Center, was arrested again near the clinic on unrelated charges.