Elisabeth Garber-Paul

RH Reality Check

Elisabeth Garber-Paul is a recent graduate from The New School’s Eugene Lang College, where she was the Editor in Chief of the New School Free Press. She now interns at The Nation magazine in New York, and has been published in OMMA, Media, and The Nation.

A New Plan for Plan B

My first trip for a Plan B pill was a cold, dreary bus ride up Lake Shore Drive to the Planned Parenthood in downtown Chicago. I remember looking out over the frozen lake, wondering what would happen if I couldn’t get the pill that afternoon. I was 15, and not ready to deal with making the decision between pregnancy and abortion. (At 22, I can confidently say that I’m still not.)

Getting Back On the UN’s Good Side

Yesterday, the United Nations Commission on Population and Development convened for the 42nd time at UN headquarters here in New York. The Head of the US delegation, Margaret J. Pollack, announced the US’s continuing support of the ICPD’s goals, “most particularly universal access to sexual and reproductive health, and the protection and promotion of reproductive rights.”

Mukhtar Gets Married

Because her brother was accused of having an affair, Mukhtar Mai was gang raped on the streets of her Pakistani village in 2002 as tribally sanctioned punishment. Instead of killing herself in shame, as is often done, Munkhtar, who also goes as Mukhtaran Bibi, took her attackers to court.

The Feminist Blame Game

If the previous generation wants to talk to young feminists, they should stop assuming that we are all members of the “Pole-dancing, walking around half-naked, posting drunk photos on Facebook, and blogging about [our] sex lives” sector, and realize that we’re still working — we’re just doing different things.