Deborah Reid
Deborah Reid began her employment as a staff attorney in the D.C. office of the National Health Law Program in 2005. Currently, as a Senior Attorney, she is involved with health-related policy, legal, and legislative developments, particularly as they relate to Medicaid and other low-income populations. She also works on other developing issues, including racial and ethnic health disparities, human rights, women’s health and reproductive rights/justice, and health information technology. Ms. Reid has a juris doctor degree from Rutgers University School of Law-Newark; a master’s of professional studies degree in health services administration from the New School for Social Research (Milano – The New School for Management and Policy) in New York City; and a bachelor of arts degree in sociology from Rutgers College of Rutgers University.Prior to coming to NHeLP, Ms. Reid was an attorney advisor in the Office of the General Counsel of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in Washington, D.C. In that capacity, she served as team leader on a number of civil rights project teams. In addition, Ms. Reid was responsible for advising the agency on administrative law matters; providing findings and recommendations on a variety of civil rights issues in such areas as environmental justice, health care, voting rights, and police practices; and contributing to drafting the agency’s civil rights reports. Previously, she worked as a senior health care program planner analyst at the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC), as well as a coordinating manager and an administrative resident at a HHC facility, Woodhull Medical and Mental Health Center in Brooklyn, NY.