David Gushee
P. Gushee is the Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University.
Beyond his work at Mercer, he is the president of Evangelicals for Human Rights,
a weekly columnist for Associated
Baptist Press, a periodic contributor to the editorial page of USA Today,
and a contributing editor for Christianity Today. Dr. Gushee also currently
serves as Co-Chair of the Scriptural/Contextual Ethics Interest Group of the American Academy of Religion, as a member of
the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, and on
the Christian Ethics Commission of the Baptist World Alliance. He has published
eleven books, over 80 scholarly essays, book chapters, articles, and reviews,
and hundreds of magazine articles and opinion pieces. His books include the award-winning Kingdom
Ethics (now in its 8th printing, with 20,000 copies in print, and available
in six translations) as well as Righteous
Gentiles of the Holocaust and Only
Human. He was the principal drafter of both the Evangelical Climate Initiative
(2006) and the Evangelical
Declaration against Torture (2007).
Currently, Dr. Gushee’s research interests focus on issues
emerging at the intersection between Christian faith, ethics and public
policy. He published two books in 2008, The
Future of Faith in American Politics (Baylor University Press) and The
Scholarly Vocation and the Baptist Academy (Mercer University Press). In
2009, working with co-editors Jillian Hickman Zimmer and Drew Zimmer, Dr.
Gushee will publish a collection of essays entitled Religious Faith, Torture,
and Our National Soul (Mercer University Press). He also plans to complete work
on a long-term academic project with Eerdmans Press on the sanctity of human