Dána-Ain Davis
Dána-Ain Davis is a professor of urban studies at Queens College and director for the Center for the Study of Women and Society at the Graduate Center, where she directs the master’s program in women’s and gender studies. She is on the faculty of the PhD program in anthropology and critical psychology. Davis is the author of Battered Black Women and Welfare Reform: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (SUNY Press 2006); co-editor of Black Genders and Sexualities with Shaka McGlotten (2012); co-editor of Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism with Christa Craven (2013); Feminist Ethnography: Thinking Through Methodologies, Challenges and Possibilities co-authored with Christa Craven; and the forthcoming Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy and Prematurity (New York University Press). Her research focuses primarily on how Black women live policy, specifically welfare, reproductive health, and domestic violence policy.