
Post Cesarean Feelings Survey Release

What became even more shocking to us were the replies, numbers and information we were able to obtain with this project.  I will go question by question reviewing and sharing some of the results through various posts, but first before getting into each individual question, and the comments and experiences listed, I would like to give a general overview and release of the actual poll results.

When Choices are Forced

Which got me thinking about the bans on VBAC nationwide. Bans on women using their vagina in a way they see fit. Seems like a horrible violation of human rights, as well as a woman's simple right to make their own medical choices right?

The A Word

Stop being ashamed!
Stop avoiding the "a word" and get it out there!
Women should not be forced into a closet, or live under a shroud of shame for having an abortion!

Does TV Cause Fear in Childbirth?

They take the hand full of super high risk women who need medical interventions for their own safety, and show them like normal pregnancies. The fact is they are showcasing these stories for ratings.