Cristina Finch
Cristina M. Finch currently serves as the government relations director for Amnesty International
USA’s (AIUSA) Dignity campaign and as an adjunct law professor at George Mason University
School of Law. She also served as AIUSA’s interim managing director of government relations
from March through September of 2010. At AIUSA, Ms. Finch focuses on economic, social
and cultural rights, multilateral issues, and women’s human rights. Prior to joining AIUSA
in October 2009, she served as senior counsel to the Human Rights Campaign from 2005 to
2009. As senior counsel, Ms. Finch provided legal and policy expertise on a range of human
rights issues including hate crimes, immigration, military, judicial nominations, work/family
legislation, and the separation of church and state. An expert on anti-LGBT violence, Ms. Finch
served on the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights hate crimes task force and was appointed a
single-issue negotiator for campus hate crimes issues for the Department of Education negotiated
rulemaking on the Higher Education Opportunity Act. She has appeared on National Public
Radio, CNN radio, CBS radio and has been quoted by the Associated Press, San Diego Union-
Tribune, Casper Star-Tribune, Medill, and numerous other local news outlets. She has also
lectured on legal and policy issues before the World Bank, the FBI and at American University’s
Washington College of Law. Before HRC, she served as Legislative Counsel to Congressman
Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL); as house legal counsel to the National Congress of the Republic of
Palau; as a litigation associate practicing contract and tort law at a law firm focusing on civil
claims; and, as a fellow at the Department of State. Prior to attending law school, Ms. Finch
worked for Rep. Jim Barcia (D-MI). She holds a JD from George Mason University, and a BA
from the University of Michigan.