CJ Turett and Heather Corinna
Russian and Eastern European studies from Cornell University, an M.Ed
in Human Sexuality Education from Widener University, and is pursuing
his Ed.D in human sexuality education from Widener, with a focus on
LGBT health and well-being. While pursuing his doctoral work, CJ
also works full time at an LGBT health center with HIV+ individuals as
well as queer and transgender clients around health and social service
advocacy. CJ believes that sexuality in the
broadest and most holistic sense is a critical issue in public health,
far beyond simple messages of prevention. He is passionate about
breaking down barriers that make it more challenging for queer, trans,
and/or HIV+ folks to get the skilled and compassionate care that they
need and deserve. He has worked previously as a community educator at
a domestic violence and sexual assault survivor service organization,
as well as a teacher of environmental education.
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists
(AASECT) as well as the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
(SSSS). He is also a volunteer for Scarleteen, where he helps to answer sexuality questions from youth and young adults.
Heather Corinna is the founder, editor and director of Scarleteen.com,
the inclusive online resource for young adult comprehensive sex
education and information which began in 1998. She is the author of S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-to-Know Progressive Sexuality Guide to Get You Through High School and College; a founder of the All Girl Army; director of the CONNECT teen sexual health outreach program at the Cedar River Clinics/Feminist Women’s Health Center, and a sexual health consultant for the young women’s site orb28. She is a recent member of the editorial advisory board of the American Journal of Sexuality Education.
Her fiction and nonfiction has been published broadly, including in the anthologies Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and A World Without Rape,
Viscera, Aqua Erotica, Zaftig: Well-Rounded Erotica, The Mammoth Book
of Best New Erotica 1 & 2, Shameless: An Intimate Erotica and in the forthcoming anthology Breakthrough Bleeding: Essays on The Thing Women Spend A Quarter Of Their Time Doing, But No One’s Supposed To Talk About, and her photographic work has been shown in several gallery shows and publications.
She was the founder of Scarletletters.com
in the nineties, the first online sexuality and arts hub for women
online, and has the either laudable or embarrassing reputation of
having one of the longest running personal journals online. Also a lead
plantiff for the ACLU in the case against COPA, in 2007, she was
recognized for her activist work in sexuality and sexual health by the
National Sexuality Resource Center with a Champions of Sexual Literacy
Award. Previous to her work in sexual health, Heather was a Montessori
and alternative classroom educator. A Chicago native, she currently
lives and works in Seattle, Washington.