Dr. DeShawn Taylor
Dr. DeShawn Taylor, MD, MSc, FACOG, is a gynecology physician, clinical professor, and reproductive rights advocate, who founded and owns Desert Star Family Planning clinic, as well as Desert Star Institute for Family Planning, a nonprofit organization in Phoenix for which she is the president and CEO.
Dr. Taylor is committed to preserving and advancing access to reproductive health care for people who experience pregnancy regardless of circumstance or ZIP code through service provision, education and training, and sharing her expertise with various national, state and local boards, committees, and programs. She is a trusted thought leader on women’s reproductive health and advocacy who has co-authored academic publications and appeared in local and national television, print, and digital news media, including Rewire News, ABC 15, the Arizona Republic, the ACLU blog, and Bloomberg News.
Dr. Taylor was conferred the Doctor of Medicine degree from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. After completing post-graduate training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at King/Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles, she completed the Fellowship in Family Planning at the University of Southern California, where she was also conferred a master’s degree in Clinical and Biomedical Investigations.