Wading into the brackish waters of church and politcs; Election important to future of Supreme Court; Closer look at the 'rape exception' in South Dakota abortion ban; Services fall short for rape victims; Editorial boasts benefits of family planning; Nobel Prize for Medicine awarded to discoverers of HIV and HPV; and more.
With four of the nine Supreme Court justices supporting the Roe vs. Wade decision, and at least one of those, Justice John Paul Stevens, likely nearing retirement (he is 88 years old), this presidential election may hold the fate of Roe v. Wade in its hands.
In Nebraska older children abandoned under law for babies; Palin and Biden agree on gay rights at debate; McCain administration would be a setback for women; Bush puts popular California family planning program at risk; Complaints filed against Bloomberg for pregnancy bias; EU to offer 18 weeks of maternity leave; and more.
U.S. support for an Inter-American Convention on Sexual and Reproductive Rights would restore America's leadership role in promoting women's health abroad.
Reproductive health bill to be debated in Philippines; National Organization of Women endorses Obama; The story of Joe Biden and the Violence Against Women Act; Palin says she fired Monegan for going above her head to secure funds to fight sexual abuse; More funding needed to fight HIV in Cleveland; Family planning and global population.
Editorials around the country call for common sense on both contraception and sex ed; policies for women are explored; advocacy groups enjoy Palin fundraising bounce; Joe Biden's Catholicism and the inconsistent Bishops.
CDC calls HIV infection rate for young black men "alarming"; Abortion has returned to the glaring spotlight of the 2008 election; Judge rejects abortion related anti-Obama group's request for FEC injunction.
Unless John McCain and Sarah Palin make a point of discussing specific policies that support young people's access to sexual health education, contraception for low income Americans, health care access for needy children and more - they are not "mixed" on reproductive health care and rights issues.
The Colombian High Court has just ruled in favor of a governmental health agency's right to distribute emergency contraception pills within in public health care system.