So much for agreeing on the denunciation of violence against health care workers. A Republican Senator has put a hold on a Senate resolution condemning such violence because it mentions those scary words: "reproductive health."
On Saturday, June 6th, anti-choice extremists across the country
gathered around doctors’ offices, health centers, pharmacies and public
spaces to protest something that most American women have used or will
use at some point in their life, and a majority of Americans strongly
support: birth control.
Women, take off your shoes, get knocked up, and go back to the kitchen, 'cause Ross Douthat will tell us everything we need to know and the world will be a better place.
In Kenya a 2004 nationwide study showed that about 300,000 abortions are performed each year in the country, causing an estimated 20,000 women and girls to be hospitalized with dangerous complications. More than 40 percent of Kenya’s maternal mortality rate is due to unsafe abortions.
Alexia Kelley, co-founder of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and newly appointed Director of Faith-based and Community Partnerships at the Dept. of Health and Human Services believes a progressive agenda will produce pro-life results.
Catholics for Choice criticizes the appointment of anti-choice Catholic advocate and former ED of Catholics for the Common Good Alexia Kelley to key HHS position.
In all the extensive coverage of the assassination in his church of Dr. George Tiller by a murderer affiliated with extremist right-wing groups, little has been said to shed light on what late-term abortions are, who has them and why.