Talking Points Memo offers this slideshow of items originally planned for auction on eBay by anti-choice extremists seeking to fund Roeder's "justifiable homicide" defense in the killing of Dr. George Tiller.
The myth of the born-alive fetus has long been a weapon in the pro-life arsenal, one "kept alive" by misleading language, and by efforts to pass laws that further obfuscate and mislead.
In Chile, a conservative country in which women's rights are contested on many levels, there is an ongoing struggle to make emergency contraception available to women at all income levels.
In Chile, a conservative country in which women's rights are contested on many levels, there is an ongoing struggle to make emergency contraception more accessible to women at every level of income.
In what some might consider an ironic twist, on Wednesday in Arizona, a law making guns more easy to access and carry in public went into effect the same day that restrictions on women's rights to choose abortion also went into effect,
stirring controversy among Arizona residents, businesses, organizations and politicians.
Initiatives in Bolivia are using new approaches to increasing access to high quality sexual and reproductive health services for all women in multi-cultural settings.
Earlier this month, 150 Mexican women from the state of Morelos asked the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), review constitutional reforms defining personhood as beginning at the moment of conception.