This article is part two in a series on facts and realities of teen sexual behavior in the United States. Here, we take an even closer look at what the data in a recent report is telling us about teen sexual behavior.
Tragically for the women of this country, in the years since Ferraro's nomination, the nation's view on the requisite qualifications for a woman presidential or vice-presidential candidate has radically shifted.
DC mayor arrested protesting abortion rider; birth control also too controversial for Florida legislature; Pennsylvania moves towards TRAP laws in response to Gosnell; UK gay men can donate blood but only if they're celibate; and how forced pregnancy solves our budget woes.
Three topics -- insurance coverage of abortion, restriction of abortion after a specific point in gestation and ultrasound requirements -- are topping the agenda in several states.
The press continues to label funding for contraception, STD testing, and cancer screening as "abortion funding". Obviously, there's a lot of confusion over what is an abortion. This primer should help clear things up.
Governor Brian Schweitzer vetoed a bill that would have prohibited coverage of abortion in state insurance exchanges; the wife of Kermit Gosnell is released on house arrest; Justice Sotomayor will visit a birthing center/Head Start provider in DC next week; and could HPV contribute to lung cancer?