Reviewing the panel on the war on contraception at Netroots Nation: what it means, and how the lessons learned can be paid forward. Does the war on contraception provide pro-choicers an opportunity to defend all reproductive rights?
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The "small government" Republican and Tea Party majority in the House are seeking to put their big, intrusive footprint on the necks of District residents by inserting an amendment to the 2012 Financial Services Appropriations bill extending that ban for another year.
In a Q and A interview today at Netroots Nation, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer could not bring himself to acknowledge that there is a "war on women," underway in the United States and fudged the issue of how exactly the Administration would either respond to or fight back attacks on women's rights.
It is time for the law to ensure that abortion providers don’t have to put their lives on the line to defend women’s rights to health, equality and reproductive autonomy.
As the newest campaign aimed at Latinas shows, it's likely more a case of racial opportunism, and any race will do, if it means advancing a conservative social agend.
Schaeffer's latest book, Sex, Mom, & God: How the Bible’s Strange Take on Sex Led to Crazy Politics—and How I Learned to Love Women (and Jesus) Anyway (Da Capo Press), continues to dissect fundamentalist belief systems.
The Obama Administration continues to claim that it supports the right of a woman to make her own decision about whether and when to have a child. But it turns out that the Administration only stands firm when that woman has economic resources.