During the Iranian Hostage Crisis a ticker ran with the days the hostages had been held, in NY there is a ticker with the national debt soaring upward, and on the Guttmacher Institute web pages there is a list of the ever-growing anti-abortion legislation that is being considered.
The mayor of Oakland and reproductive justice leaders from the surrounding communities are applauding success in having racist, anti-choice billboards removed from their city.
Answer: nothing. Except for anti-choice fanatics, who must realize on some level that Casey Anthony gives lie to their whole argument that every sexually active woman is ready to be a mother, and just needs a little force to see it.
Racist, anti-choice billboards are going up all over the country. The Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice interviews real women to find out their reactions.
Currently, more than 215 million women around the world want access to quality reproductive health care but don’t have it. Global investment in international reproductive health and voluntary family planning is one of the best ways to save maternal and infant lives, and build sustainable communities. But on a recent trip to Ethiopia, I saw firsthand how limited financial resources, inadequate systems and supply chains, and poor coordination often keep contraceptives from getting into the hands of those who desperately want and need them.
I am very grateful for Michelle Obama and Betty Ford, two American girls whose heartland families instilled such high ambitions in their daughters. But it sure would be wonderful if Michelle Obama, First Lady, were able to be like Betty Ford, First Lady, in leading courageously on women's rights.
A vote by New Hampshire officials not to renew with Planned Parenthood has left thousands of women without no access to birth control and other primary reproductive health care. And as the statement of one councilor reveals, the real agenda is not (just) about abortion services, but to punish women for sex
Governor Scott Walker, along with Wisconsin’s anti-abortion, anti-choice and anti-birth control action groups, are jeopardizing physicians’ ability provide necessary medical care to patients with complicated pregnancies.