Are women getting too many pelvic exams? Recent medical opinion suggests yes. Also, a far right group gets Bachmann to sign a mind-boggling pledge, and women in Oakland object to racist billboards.
During a year of awful loss and trying times, it would be easy—even understandable—to dwell on the bad times right now. But instead, I want to tell my wife I love her.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) have introduced a bill entitled the “Stop Deceptive Advertising in Women’s Services Act” (SDAWS), which would crack down on clinics (so-called crisis pregnancy centers) which falsely advertise themselves as a honest providers of information and services for women facing unintended and untenable pregnancies.
In an editorial today, the New York Times discusses the vital role the courts have played in recent weeks in blocking viciously regressive laws seeking to deny women access to both self-determination and to basic reproductive health care.