Yesterday and this morning, I spent several hours assisting with clinic defense in Germantown, Maryland, where Dr. LeRoy Carhart comes several times a month to see patients who need late abortion care. The misogyny, naivete and invasiveness of the anti-choice movement were on full display.
The HHS will require insurance companies to start offering contraception without a co-pay. What does this mean for American women? Also, North Carolina adds itself to the list of mandatory ultrasound states.
Governor Brownback's religious convictions are more than just a statement of personal theology. They represent policies he promotes under his administration. And these policies are policies of forced motherhood, elimination of abortion access and endangering the lives of women.
Clinic escorts around the country say that antiabortion protesters are allowed great freedom, including physically touching, threatening, and lying to patients. It is imperative that protections for clinicians, patients, and health center property are expanded.
Election season is just barely underway, but Senator Robert Casey (D-PA) is taking no chances. He's already using your body as election collateral to position himself as a "conservative Democrat," introducing at least two bills seeking to limit your rights.