Using what is at best a highly unusual "emergency" process, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is expected on Friday, August 26th to issue guidelines for what is known as Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP).
The population problem is all about me: white, middle-class, American me. Well-meaning people have told me that I'm "just the sort of person who should have kids." Au contraire. I'm just the sort of person who should not have kids.
Despite a landmark ruling five years ago – when Colombia’s Constitutional Court decriminalized abortion in cases of rape, fetal abnormality or to save the mother’s life – less than 0.5 percent of procedures are carried out legally each year.
The best way to find out what a Perry presidency would look like for women and social issues writ large? Look at what far-right, conservative, religious and evangelical power players want him to do; whatever it is, he'll do it.
As a medical doctor and former Commissioner of Health under four governors, I have a good idea of how efforts by Governor Bob McDonnell to "regulate" abortion care will turn out. Medically-inappropriate and unnecessary regulations will only serve to restrict access to the full range of reproductive health care services and further marginalize young, low-income, uninsured and minority women by decreasing their health care options.