Samhita Mukhopadhyay explains why dating is ruining your love life. SlutWalk draws good people and bad coverage, and "Grey's Anatomy" portrays abortion both sympathetically and realistically.
On November 8th, the voters of Mississippi will be considering a "Personhood Amendment" (Amendment #26) which would give a fertilized egg more rights than a live born woman, and would outlaw abortion and birth control.
The bill to prevent the shackling of pregnant women in CA's prisons, is the California State Sheriff's Association's top priority for a veto. It means more for them to veto this bill than any other bill on the Governor's desk right now. Those who follow politics in Sacramento know this does not bode well.
An article in yesterday's New York Times suggesting that injectable contraceptive use might double the risk of HIV transmission among women in Africa sent waves of anxiety through the global public health community, leading some to ask whether we should halt delivery of injectables. But experts say: "Not so fast."