
Memo to Bishops: It’s Not About You. It’s About the Actual Victims.

Slavery. It’s an abomination. And it goes without saying that survivors of modern-day slavery — human trafficking — should be able to access all of the services they need to protect their health and rebuild their lives. That is, unless you’re talking to the powerful political lobbyist, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

In Kansas, A Public Conference Reveals Deep Contempt for the Poor and for Women

What young women need (beyond the obvious need for greater access to low cost birth control and improved sex education in schools) is a boost to their self-esteem, mentors, and to be told that they possess greatness within themselves beyond what can be obtained by any man, babies, money, drugs or alcohol. They sure don't need the condescending and biased advice of Sam Brownback and the Heritage Foundation.