Servicewomen rely on the military for their health care, but under current policy they are left to fend for themselves if they become pregnant after being raped.
Merle Hoffman describes her many years working as a prominent abortion provider. Republican candidates clamor to be called "pro-life", but what does that really mean? Also: "The Walking Dead" fails basic biology.
Merle Hoffman describes her many years working as a prominent abortion provider. Republican candidates clamor to be called "pro-life", but what does that really mean? Also: "The Walking Dead" fails basic biology.
The President seems unaware of the fact that Catholics who matter have disagreed with the Vatican’s current prohibition on contraception. Catholics, including institutions within the Catholic community, are free to follow their conscience on contraception. It is not up to the Obama administration to decide what action is more “Catholic" on the matter of contraception.
As Mississippi debated then defeated a “personhood” amendment that would have granted legal rights to fertilized human eggs, multiple media outlets reported that GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney refused to clarify whether he supported the measure, which would ban not only abortions but also common forms of birth control and undermine other forms of health care for women.
Eaton County Circuit Judge Calvin Oosterhaven has issued a temporary restraining order against two Michigan abortion clinics that are charged with practicing medicine as an unlawfully-formed corporation.
Coercive sterilizations and castration are at the extreme end of a spectrum that also includes criminal sanctions for drug use during pregnancy and barring LBGT individuals from in-vitro fertilization services and adoption, as well as a host of other policies geared at making pregnancy and parenting difficult for those deemed unworthy.