Planned Parenthood in Arizona Resumes Abortion Services at Two Clinics Robin Marty Two of the clinics that were unable to provide abortion services due to the new state law requiring all abortions be done by a doctor will be resuming the practice.
Ohio “Heartbeat” Bill Shelved Until 2012, Again Robin Marty After hearing testimony on both sides, the senate has chosen not to vote on the bill this legislative session.
$10 for Tebow? Robin Marty Anti-choicers are "appalled" by the idea of donations to pro-choice groups for Tebow touchdowns this Sunday.
Pennsylvania TRAP Law Heads to Governor For Approval Robin Marty All it takes is one signature from the governor to potentially shut down all the clinics in the state.
GOP Shoves D.C. Abortion Funding Ban in Spending Bill, And Expects It Will Stay Robin Marty Even though a majority of line item ideological issues are scattered throughout the bill, the abortion one looks like it will stick.
Nevada Petition to Ban Abortion Will Be Decided On This Week Robin Marty Nevada's attempt at defining a fertilized egg as a "prenatal person" seems likely never to make it past petition stage.
Pennsylvania TRAP Law Continues Through Legislature Robin Marty Using the Kermit Gosnell incident as its impetus, the state seeks to add regulations to clinics that will likely shut most, if not all of them, down.
Doctor to Ohio Senate: I Do Not Want To Tell My Patients I Cannot Help Them Dr. Lisa Perriera I strongly urge the Ohio Senate to oppose the "heartbeat bill." Lawmakers do not belong in the consultation room with me and my patients.