Washington State GOP Uses Budget Fight To Kill Mandatory Insurance Coverage For Abortions Robin Marty The push for insurers in Washington to cover abortion if they offer maternity care ended due to a budget battle.
Utah House Passes 72 Hour Abortion Waiting Period Robin Marty Utah may soon be the second state to pass a law requiring a woman to wait three days before terminating a pregnancy.
Study Linking Abortion and Mental Health Issues Debunked Robin Marty Researchers concluded that a study that claimed abortion causes mental health issues had "fundamental analytical errors."
Alabama Co-Sponsor of Forced Ultrasound Bill Denies Selling Equipment to Abortion Clinics, But Providers Tell a Different Story Robin Marty A senator pushing for mandatory ultrasounds in Alabama claims his company wouldn't benefit financially. But is he telling the truth?
The Flip Side of the Coin: GOP Attacks Access to Contraception for Poor Women Abroad Chloe Cooney Opponents of birth control don’t just want to limit access in the U.S., they want to slash U.S. support for international family planning programs. It’s a perennial debate, and it’s about to start all over again
Nevada Moves Ahead With “Prenatal Protection” Amendments Robin Marty When they say they want to protect "young and old" alike, they mean really, really, really "young." Like, fertilized eggs.
Delaware Councilwoman Wants Personhood For Sperm Robin Marty The "every sperm is sacred" bills are beginning to spread.
Kristof: Mandatory Ultrasound Bills Are “State-Sanctioned Abuse and Humiliation” Robin Marty The New York Times columnist pens a brutal column on Texas' mandatory ultrasound bill.
To The Democrats: We Told You So Lorraine Berry For years, feminist writers like me have been desperately trying to get the Democrats' attention. Is what's going on now finally enough?
Change Is A-Coming (Or, as They Say in Oklahoma, “If I Wanted Government in My Womb, I’d F*ck a Senator”) ACLU I am so excited I am beside myself. I am giddy because I can see that change is a coming.