Oklahoma Senate Wants Fetus To “Speak” To Woman Before the Abortion
The senate passes a bill to have providers offer to let women seeking a termination listen to the heartbeat first so the fetus can "communicate."
The Oklahoma state senate has a message for women who want to terminate their pregnancies.
The fetus (blastocyst? embryo?) wants to talk to them.
That’s the justification for a recently passed bill that would require abortion providers to offer to let women listen to the heartbeat of a fetus or embryo before they undergo the procedure.
Via Reuters:
Republican Senator Dan Newberry of Tulsa… said the proposed law is important to further “a culture of life” in Oklahoma.
The heartbeat is the only way for a fetus to communicate that it wants to live, Newberry said.
“It can’t say please don’t kill me, it can’t say I want to live. It can’t say anything,” he said.
Originally, rather than just mandating that the physician offer the woman the chance to hear a heartbeat, the bill would have required that she do so, but that language was changed before the vote.