Concerned citizens of Miami County banded together to find a solution for the all male county commissions decision to strip low income women of that community of their access to low cost contraception. They independently raised $9,000 and presented one oversized check to the Miami County Commission.
If you wondered why ultrasound bills are popping up everywhere, it's to open the door for more opportunities to trick women into visiting crisis pregnancy centers.
The anti-choice group Center for Bio-Ethical Reform made another splash in the anti-abortion arena, taking their blown up, graphic "fetus" photos to the next stop on their tour -- George Mason University. And, not surprisingly, most of the students found it pretty gross.
The current backlash against women is falling under the creative new smokescreen of "religious liberty." Religious arguments against contraception have been used for 50 years, but women, public health officials, and legislators generally favored common sense and personal religious freedeom over ideology from an earlier century. In this election year, however, common sense seems a distant memory.
Boycotts and harassment tactics have an impact, even if it’s not the impact the anti-choicers would like. When businesses submit to antiabortion browbeating, it forces clinicians to scramble to find new suppliers, diverts attention from the provision of care, and exacerbates tensions and anxieties.