To confront the most often-repeated misrepresentations, I ask readers to consider these ten assertions about sexual health and education in the United States.
So far, 75 abortion restrictions have been approved by at least one legislative chamber, and nine have been enacted. Here's a breakdown of the measures that legislators are focused on this year.
After praising the writers for an episode in which one of the main characters a chooses to terminate an unintended pregnancy, I was a little disappointed with the ongoing storyline in which her marriage is now in trouble and her husband blames her for "killing my baby." But in the bigger picture, even this can make sense.
Parents rightfully want to be involved in their teens’ lives, but if my daughter feels that she cannot talk to me at a big turning point in her life, it is most important that she have a trusted adult by her side. That is why I am so concerned about HR 2299, the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act of 2012.