I am pro-family, in all its forms, but just like health care, just like vaccines, just like schooling, our parents’ cannot provide full coverage and protection, so we seek access and support elsewhere too. Why is sexuality education so different?
Despite heavy pressure from Personhood Oklahoma and radical anti-choice activists, the GOP leaders shut down procedural maneuvers to bring the bill to a vote.
What the opposition's arguments lack is one or a combination of the following: an evidence-base, a rational argument, an understanding of biomedical theories including pathology and pharmacology, an appreciation of normal emotional reactions and the social determinants of the individual identity, amongst others.
As the negotiations at the 45th Commission on Population and Development (CPD) continue at the United Nations in New York City, the work towards establishing a strong outcome document that ensures young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) becomes even more intense.
At this extremely important time for the globe, we need to ensure that the outcome documents of this year’s, and forthcoming meetings of the Commission on Population and Development are strong and will guarantee an increased focus on young people and their sexual and reproductive health and rights.