Yet another hospital may give up emergency contraception, sterilizations and abortions that threaten a woman's health in order to partner up and save money.
In honor of Independence Day, Beacon Broadside asked author Carole Joffe (author of Dispatches from the Abortion Wars) what she'll be celebrating this July 4th.
The anti-choice group claims that the Positive Alternatives Act is convincing more women to have their babies versus have abortions. So why is the birth rate declining, too?
This year’s New York State legislative session has ended, and by failing to vote on and pass the “no condoms as evidence of prostitution” bill, lawmakers missed an opportunity to be national and global leaders in ensuring that counterproductive policing and prosecuting practice does not compromise disease prevention and public health.
Newly released documents show Texas Health and Human Services Commissioner Tom Seuhs instructed his staff to try to create new abortion reporting requirements that would please one anti-choice legislator--and also "not be offensive to women."