The progressive community is deathly afraid of talking about sex and young people. We have to stop running away from sex like it’s our movement’s dirty little secret, because despite the supposed mainstream appeal and political expedience that comes with a watered down sexless narrative about birth control, it also comes with a swift price.
Romney running mate Paul Ryan, who's endorsed personhood at the federal level, will have to decide whether to un-endorse the measure or stand behind it.
While access to abortion is increasingly restricted in many states, options for women needing an abortion after 20 weeks have narrowed dramatically. The restrictions on later abortion are part of a broad attack on women’s fundamental right to abortion.
The legal battle over Arizona's 20 week ban is a preview of the coming wave of legal arguments in defense of pre-viability and other unconstituitonal abortion restrictions.
The Affordable Care Act requires cumbersome administrative procedures that will limit coverage of abortion in the new health care exchanges. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that abortion has been unfairly singled out from health care coverage.