We share an obligation to resist any attempts, political or religious, to restrict or deny access to family planning services. Over 1,000 religious leaders agree, and more are speaking out every day.
Should the latest plan to change the waiting period to 72 hours — not including weekends — pass, activists worry that the clinic may no longer be able to offer abortions.
A freshman state representative in Texas is continuing the state's bizarre vendetta against abortion providers and their affiliates—that's Texan for "Planned Parenthood"—by filing a bill that would prevent such entities from providing sex education in schools.
Though the mainstream media’s virtual silence on the issue suggests otherwise, the HIV epidemic continues to rage in the U.S., and African Americans and blacks are those hardest hit.
Limiting bill opponents time to testify, proposing bills in the dead of the night, the Alabama legislature is making closing clinics a priority despite the voters' wishes.