Zerlina Maxwell, a lawyer, writer, social commentator, and rape survivor has been heaped with abusive tweets and internet postings for more than a week for suggesting guns are not the answer to rape culture.
Last week, clergy from across the state of Texas gathered at the capitol building in Austin to show their support for access to contraception. Clad in collars, stoles and other religious garb, they stood in the outdoor rotunda to call, publicly, for legislators to stop their ongoing attacks on Texans' freedom to choose when and whether to have children.
This Women's History Month, it's important to recognize thought leadership from feminists like Gloria Steinem, Audre Lorde, and Selma James that has demonstrably influenced current feminist policy efforts.
In fact, the FDA reported 458 deaths and 26,000 hospitalizations from taking acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol. There have been 14 deaths and 614 hospitalizations linked to RU-468.
It seems that mainstream reproductive health and rights groups are realizing the limitations of reductive labels like "pro-choice." And that's a good thing.