A bill written specifically to stop a clinic in Lafayette, Indiana, from offering terminations will now go into effect, leaving Planned Parenthood of Indiana to make some tough choices.
OSA and its allies are using their bully pulpit to denounce both New York Gov. Cuomo and the Reproductive Health Act that's been proposed in the state.
The new measure's language is more obtuse than the personhood initiatives of 2008 and 2010, enabling law enforcement officials to prosecute people who commit crimes against "unborn human beings."
Mississippi politicians aren't sitting still while they wait for the state's only abortion clinic to close. Instead, they're preemptively restricting abortion and even birth control access.
The never-ending stream of legal challenges to the birth control benefit shows how focused the extreme right is on making safe, affordable health care an impossibility in this country.
Disclosure in every outlet in which they advertise, the potential for fines if they don't properly adhere to the law: in many ways, CPCs are being asked to behave like reproductive health-care clinics.