Recently, the Supreme Court heard arguments about the pledge, which would require that organizations receiving government money for overseas disease-prevention work adopt policies opposing prostitution and sex trafficking. What's at stake?
If you don’t want to provide the obstetric or gynecological services your patient needs—which may include an abortion—maybe you should choose another field of specialty.
Doctors and researchers agree: Over-the-counter birth control pills are good policy for women's health. Pro-choicers might be reluctant to pick this fight, but if we start pushing hard now, it will pay off for women in the long run.
On this episode of Reality Cast, I’ll be interviewing the author of a new book called Generation Roe. There’s a chance that family physicians will stop getting proper training in contraception in some programs, and a Lifetime reality show demonstrates the dangers facing girls with virginity-obsessed parents.
More than 45,000 people in the United States and internationally are demanding that Mauricio Funes, President of El Salvador, immediately authorize doctors to perform an abortion to save the life of Beatriz, a 22-year old woman and mother of a toddler.
Texas lawmakers want to make it harder for minors to get abortions without their parents' consent. But who are these minors? Are they really the sneaky, cavalier teens anti-choicers make them out to be?