The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the highest human rights court in the Americas, handed down Thursday a decision ordering the government of El Salvador to provide Beatriz access to health care that could save her life.
Pro-choice activists have proposed local city council ordinances to regain what anti-choice state laws have taken away. But anti-choice advocates are turning to city ordinances as well, and some are going for an all-out local abortion ban.
Texas legislators, who slashed the state's family planning funds in 2011, have returned with a new biannual budget that returns the money not through traditional providers, but through a new primary care health program.
Ralph Lang's lawyer, Eric Schulenberg, reportedly plans to ask what "constituted an actual attempt to kill someone." During jury selection, Schulenberg drew an apparent parallel between the clinic plot and attempts to hunt wildlife.
In a stunning decision made worse by the length of time it took to be handed down, the Supreme Court of El Salvador denied a young woman "permission" on Wednesday for an abortion needed to save her life.
The battle over Arizona's 20-week abortion ban re-affirms a fundamental right to choose abortion, but by embracing fetal viability as a legal cut-off point is the court just making matters worse?