We refuse to be silent as state legislators use false stereotypes and misleading language to deny Asian American women the same access to safe, confidential, and comprehensive reproductive care as anyone else.
A former Colorado Republican Party chairman who’s said people should be punished for having abortion care allegedly cast his ex-wife's vote in the 2016 election.
Heather Busby, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, said the Texas GOP has continued to attack reproductive rights and the doctor-patient relationship.
“[I]f most of what you publish supports an anti-choice thinking (or anti-vaccine) and hence is not supported by science should you be entitled to be included in the National Library of Medicine?"
“The more desperate Republican leaders get to win over extreme House conservatives, the worse Trumpcare becomes. But let’s be clear: any member of Congress who is intent on taking away essential benefits ... is in for a rude awakening if this bill ever gets to the Senate,” said Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA).
What the Arizona attorney general’s anti-choice-expert-witness fishing episode highlights is that, for many of these so-called expert witnesses, their ideology outweighs their expertise when it comes to the fundamental scientific questions that many abortion-related policies raise.
Two California doctors who oppose abortion, Dr. George Delgado and Dr. Mary Davenport, published anecdotes about a handful of women who attempted to “reverse” their abortions. Within a few short years, states began passing laws based on these anecdotes.