Heath Mello's anti-choice record led to sharp rebuke from reproductive rights advocates who questioned why the Democratic Party was working with the candidate.
Jon Husted, who has pushed the myth of widespread voter fraud, led the charge in purging Ohio’s voter rolls. A federal court later ruled the process unconstitutional.
The Trump administration has empowered anti-choice activists who suggest, contrary to all medical evidence, that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer.
The new executive order is likely to result in religious exemptions for those who hold conservative views about sex, marriage, and reproduction, hitting women of color hardest.
Former U.S. Congressman Tom Perriello said he regretted a high-profile anti-choice vote in Congress, while emphasizing that reproductive justice is inextricably linked to economic justice.
Jodi Liggett, vice president of public affairs for Planned Parenthood Arizona, called the budget language a "pretext" to oust Planned Parenthood from Title X.