A review by Rewire found that at least $3.1 million in grants have been awarded to religiously affiliated organizations or crisis pregnancy centers, also known as fake clinics.
In February 2016, U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick issued an injunction blocking CMP and Daleiden from publishing or disclosing “any video, audio, photographic, or other recordings taken, or any confidential information learned at any NAF annual meetings.” Daleiden's attorneys did so anyway.
According to Ryan's theory, his work to gut medical options is a form of engaging in Catholic social principle, because it gives impoverished people in the United States choice and freedom about their taxes and care.
The ruling came one day before the medically unnecessary law was set to take effect, preventing the restrictions from kicking in while pregnant people in Texas are still reeling from the impact of Hurricane Harvey.
Chile no longer shares the notoriety of being one of the few countries in the world where a young girl can be forced to carry her rapist’s child to term.
Germantown Reproductive Health Services is under contract to be purchased by the Maryland Coalition for Life, an anti-choice organization that has targeted the clinic with protests.
“This kind of act, which is intended not only to intimidate abortion providers and Planned Parenthood ... is also intended to intimidate people who support Planned Parenthood."