Hearing of Ale’s detention was devastating, but I am determined to continue fighting against a system that separates families and strips people of their humanity and dignity.
Whether you’ve had an abortion, you’ve thought about an abortion, or you just love someone who had an abortion, it’s important to remember how valuable these health-care providers are in our communities.
Despite the number of abortion restrictions passed by Texas lawmakers in recent years, Texas Right to Life's political action committee aggressively targeted incumbents who it claimed were not sufficiently opposed to abortion rights.
A new documentary follows women's responses to Ms. magazine's coverage and catalogs their concerns about police violence, sexual harassment, and lesbian visibility, among other issues.
Congressional Republicans could further empower Trump official Valerie Huber to disregard the Obama-era emphasis on highly effective forms of contraception and turn the nation's affordable birth control program into a bastion of abstinence and natural family planning.
Fetal disposal laws attempt to make a distinction between fetal remains and other medical waste, which creates unnecessary and onerous financial and logistical barriers for clinics and physicians.
For every additional body standing outside, it is that much more difficult for our staff members and trained escorts to ensure a basic right to health care.