Among the Texas fake clinics identified by Rewire.News, more than 50 receive state funding through a program created by the Republican-controlled legislature in 2005.
With Trump in the White House, "it is more important than ever for Congress to make clear that this law is a shield for religious freedom—not a sword for discrimination.”
The president is stacking the courts with right-leaning extremists who will languish on the bench for decades, doing their best to strip marginalized people of their civil rights. This should alarm you.
Ireland's abortion ban "was a disaster for women’s rights, it was a disaster for the education of Irish children, but it really infected every aspect of Irish society and we are still undoing the legacy of this.”
The domestic and global gag rules stigmatize a simple medical procedure by disconnecting it from other health care services and by forcing doctors not to offer women the whole array or reproductive options available to them.
Irish women are having abortions, but having to go through an arduous and expensive process of travel in order to do so. A referendum on May 25 may change that.
Title X provides family planning services to nearly 4 million patients with low incomes in the United States, many of whom are people of color who face systemic barriers to health-care access.