John Morganelli has more name recognition than his two pro-choice opponents—he also opposes abortion rights and agrees with Donald Trump on immigration.
Rep. Nicholas Mattiello opposes state lawmakers' effort to codify abortion protections, even though the bill has support from members of his own party and the Democratic governor.
“In terms of reproductive health coverage, I think the sale of Fidelis to Centene is a win for the women of New York,” Lois Uttley, who has researched Fidelis for at least a decade, told Rewire.News.
Campaigns like the Mamas Day project amplify imagery that allows Black people, including Black immigrant mothers, to see themselves as their communities see them.
Critics of the program dispute Attorney General Ken Paxton’s claim that the success of the program is “not dependent on Planned Parenthood’s participation."
Cutting Planned Parenthood out of the Medicaid program harms the 7,000 Medicaid patients who visit Planned Parenthood health centers every year in Missouri, leaving them with few options to access preventive health care.
“What we continuously hear in the district is, ‘Oh, it takes either a Republican to be in the seat or a conservative Democrat.’ So we run conservative Democrats and they lose,” Kara Eastman said. “What we need right now and what is exciting the base is a real Democrat."