South Carolina became the tenth state to allow publicly funded adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples and other prospective parents based on the agency's religious beliefs.
Plan C—making "missed period pills" widely available—would give users the power to decide whether or not they wished to test for or confirm pregnancy before taking pills to bring on their period.
With the courts refusing to curb the deception coming from fake health centers, it’s more important than ever that advocates loudly and unapologetically share the truth about abortion care, independent clinics, and the human right to health care.
U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker ruled that the Republican-backed law “does little if anything to advance” the state’s interests in protecting a person's health and safety.
Facing the atrocity of our government’s attack on brown children at the border, will you continue to support Trump and his racist policies, or will you take this opportunity to redeem yourselves?
In Kenya, desperate pregnant women and girls who lack access to safe medical care because of funding cuts under Trump’s global gag rule are turning to "curtain clinics” to terminate their pregnancies. Such clinics are run by people who aren’t nurses or doctors.
Reproductive health advocates worry changes approved this month will inspire a crackdown by Catholic bishops charged with interpreting rules on abortion, sterilization, and contraception.