"Walmart must immediately change its policies to comply with this law and ensure that no pregnant worker is forced to choose between a healthy pregnancy and a pink slip."
“I’m trying to close Planned Parenthood down,” Democrats for Life of America Executive Director Kristen Day said. “I feel like they’re destroying the Democratic Party."
While banning abortion outright is not supported at all by the law now and would absolutely not be the consequence of overruling Roe v. Wade, there will no doubt be efforts from the right to move that position into the mainstream of legal thought.
A fellow with Physicians for Reproductive Health said the harassment and intimidation tactics used by anti-choice activists are "designed to evoke fear" in people who are targeted.
"What you’re seeing I think happening in Kansas with the kind of turnouts that you’re seeing at some of these events are a kind of grassroots uprising against the status quo, both in Democratic politics and in national politics writ large."
“This administration is prioritizing religious beliefs over patients’ access to care,” said Gretchen Borchelt, NWLC vice president for reproductive rights and health. “It’s a perversion of HHS’ mission that cannot be ignored.”