Despite what conservatives think, liberals and anyone else who believes that gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans people are people are not somehow hypocrites for opposing the Indiana RFRA law as it existed before it was amended.
Of course voting for Ted Cruz is not abortion-inducing. Neither is eating chocolate chip cookies or binge-watching television shows. But one thing is true: Cruz's policies would spell disaster for women.
What sounds diabolical to the untrained eye is actually standard language in a case like this, and we shouldn't let it obscure the bigger injustices at play here.
To put it plainly, white people, including white women, have advantages simply by virtue of their skin color—advantages that I will never have. These advantages are often invisible. These advantages are also unearned. And that’s why talking to someone who has never considered their privilege about the fact that they have privilege can be so jarring for them.
With her words on Sunday night—whether intentional or not (and personally, I believe it was unintentional)—Patricia Arquette gave voice to a system of structural erasure that has been the gold standard in the feminist movement since well before Sojourner Truth stood up and declared “Ain’t I A Woman?”
On Monday, a Black lesbian couple became the first couple to be issued a marriage license in Alabama. Elsewhere in the state, though, confusion has ensued, thanks to Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore.
You seem to be introducing a truly absurd number of bills dedicated to reducing access to safe abortion care, and it just seems so unreasonable that I thought maybe you’re lashing out because you're going through some "stuff" right now, and no one has bothered to ask how you feel.
Parents uninformed enough to spit in the face of science shouldn’t be permitted to shuffle their children into class with immunosuppressed kids. And there’s definitely legal precedent for compulsory vaccination.
On last night’s episode of The Daily Show, Jessica Williams asked civil rights attorney Julian McPhillips to help her understand the new cottage industry of fetal legal representation. The results were, predictably, hilarious.