As a white liberal of adult age in the 1960s, you were politically required to support the civil rights movement, right? So why the hell are you tossing that information in Black people’s faces on behalf of Bernie Sanders in order to shut down conversations about structural racism, police brutality, and the #BlackLivesMatter movement?
However useful Kennedy finds it for expanding constitutional protections for certain rights, dignity is a gendered double-edged sword. It’s great for men and it has turned out to be great for same-sex couples who want to get married. But dignity as a concept is worthless when it comes to reproductive rights.
I'm supposed to believe yelling "You did it, baby!" at a high school graduation ceremony necessitates hundreds of dollars in fines and possible jail time? Give me a break. In fact, give all of your breaks to me.
Apparently, Ohio Republicans need to protect the integrity of the election process by making sure that Johnny McVotesalot only votes once per election—and not “a lot” as his name suggests. This, even though voter fraud in the state is basically nonexistent.
To certain people in this country, it seems that any gathering of Black people is comprised of thugs. A barbecue? A bunch of thugs eating ribs. A church picnic? Just a bunch of thugs in fancy hats. A hip-hop show? A bunch of thugs listening to a bunch of other thugs.
Gov. Brownback signed a law on Thursday that prohibits people who rely on government assistance to make ends meet from using the money in the way it was intended. It treats poor people like they're stupid or wasteful, and siphons government funds from them and diverts it into banks' coffers.
In 1998, Mindy Kaling's brother Vijay Chokal-Ingam posed as a Black man to get into medical school in an attempt to prove that affirmative action in the admissions process is “legalized racism." In reality, his little "experiment" proves nothing apart from the fact that Chokal-Ingam is full of it.
Despite what conservatives think, liberals and anyone else who believes that gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans people are people are not somehow hypocrites for opposing the Indiana RFRA law as it existed before it was amended.
Of course voting for Ted Cruz is not abortion-inducing. Neither is eating chocolate chip cookies or binge-watching television shows. But one thing is true: Cruz's policies would spell disaster for women.