The eight Court justices will likely issue a ruling on the challenge to the Affordable Care Act's birth control benefit in June of this year. In the meantime, however, please enjoy my tweet-by-tweet breakdown of Wednesday's oral arguments.
Maybe you've heard what's going on in Ferguson and, amid all the failures of those in power there, you're confused. You've heard the term "consent decree" bandied about, but you don't know what it means.
Because the last thing you need is the world watching you and your ex knocking boots to "Pony" by Ginuwine, Rewire’s Imani Gandy expounds on temporary restraining orders and injunctions in the first post of a new series focused on explaining key legal terminology and principles.
LePage explained to his constituents that he’s as concerned about heroin abuse in the state as the next person, but he doesn’t want to blame residents of Maine.
Despite the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has already announced to the world that same-sex couples have a right to get married in this country, Moore and others like him continue to shake their fists in impotent pseudo-biblical rage.