Angry Black Lady Chronicles

Boom! Lawyered: Stop-and-Frisk Edition

Since discussions of stop-and-frisk are back in the news because Donald Trump insists that the practice is going to save cities like Chicago, we thought we'd give you the answers to some practical questions.

Boom! Lawyered: Standing Edition

This week we’re going to talk about "standing," which is a term you may be familiar with, especially if you read Justice Clarence Thomas' complaint in his dissent in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt.

Boom! Lawyered: SLAPP Edition

The recent brouhaha over Kanye, Taylor Swift, and the Snapchat heard 'round the world is a perfect way to learn about Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP), which are meritless lawsuits meant to bully a defendant and stifle speech.